The Role of Socioeconomic Factors on Health Status
Countries, socioeconomic indicators, health status.Abstract
In this study, it is aimed to reveal the effects of the socioeconomic structures of the countries (inflation, urbanization, unemployment and GNP per capita) on the health status. In this context, inflation, urbanization and unemployment rates and GNP per capita as socioeconomic indicators; Life expectancy at birth, maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate were used as health status indicators. Relevant indicators were obtained from the World Bank database. Correlation (pearsoncorrelation) and regression (multi-linear) analysis were performed using the SPSS version 25 program, based on the data obtained from 161 countries and autonomous administration regions in total. In the first of the three regression models developed in this context, selected socioeconomic factors explain 56.2% of the variance in life expectancy at birth. In the second regression model developed, selected socioeconomic factors explain 38.5% of the variance in infant mortality rate. Finally, in the third regression model developed, selected socioeconomic factors explain 26.3% of the variance in maternal mortality. The results show that socioeconomic indicators have an effect on health status.
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