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Buzz grup tekniği- doküman analizi- nitel çalışmaÖzet
İnsanlar yalnız yaşayan canlılar değildirler. Birçok konuda birbirlerine ihtiyaç duyarlar. Bu da birlikte yaşamalarını sağlar. Bazı konularda grupça çalışmaları da kaçınılmazdır. Örneğin bir konu hakkında diğer insanların fikirlerini almak, bir soruna çözüm bulmak, bir olayı tartışmak vb. konularda grupça çalışırlar. Bunu yaparken de çeşitli tekniklerden yararlanırlar. Buzz grup tekniği de bunlardan biridir. Bu çalışmada buzz grup tekniği birçok farklı yönü ele alınarak detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiş ve doküman analizi ile netleştirilmiştir.
Arivananthan, M. (2015). Knowledge Exchange Toolbox: Group methods for sharing, discovery and co-creation. Knowledge Exchange Unit, in the Policy, Strategy and Networks Section, in UNICEF’s Division of Data, Research and Policy (DPR). Pp: 1-3. Access address:
Brahm, C. and Kleiner, B. H. (1996). Advantages and disadvantages of group decision‐ making approaches. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 2(1), Pp.32-33.
Brewer, E. W. (1997). 13 Proven Ways to Get Your Message Across: The Essential Reference for Teachers, Trainers, Presenters, and Speakers. United States of America, Corwin Press, Inc. Pp: 72-76.
Handoko, M. Dini (2017). Concept of Buzz Group. Pp: 1-3 Access address:
Hurt, J. (2012). Creating Buzz Groups To Add Audience Participation To Traditional Lectures. Pp: 1-2 Access address:
Milaningrum, E. and Mulyanto, S. (2016). The Effectiveness of Buzz Groups Method to Teach Reading Comprehension Viewed from Students’ Learning Motivation (An Experimental Study at the Mechanical Engineering Department Students of Balikpapan State Polytechnic). 2(2). Pp: 68-73.
Milaningrum, E. (2013). The Effectiveness of Buzz Groups Method to Teach Reading Comprehension Viewed from Students’ Learning Motivation (An Experimental Study at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Jaten, Karanganyar in the 2012/2013 Academic Year). Pp: 25-32 Access address:
Muntaha, M. (2016). Buzz Group and Self-Esteem on Teaching Listening In An Indonesian Efl Classroom. 14(2). Pp. 195-196. DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v14i2.583
Nurhayati, S. (2015). Increasing Speaking Ability Using Group Technique to the Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Jetis Ponorogo in 2014/2015 Academic Year.P. 5 and p. 21 Access address:
Pangaribuan, T. And Manik, S. (2017). The Effect of Buzz Group Technique and Clustering Technique in Teaching Writing at the First Class of SMA HKBP I Tarutung. 11(1). Pp: 165-167. Access address:
Sari, Y. I. N. (2017). The Effect of Buzz Group Technique to the Students’ Reading Comprehension at Eleventh Grade of Sman 6 Kediri Academic Year 2015/2016. Pp: 3-4 Access address: